

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Couples Showers?

The website has an amusing article on what many call co-ed baby showers. This term doesn’t actually mean that couples should be invited to baby showers. Rather, it refers to the husband of the mother-to-be inviting his friends to the baby shower.

A very good trend over the last generation or so is that more men are participating in the whole childbirth experience. Many men are now also involved in the birth itself, assisting the mother with coaching and helping her endure the stress. In this light, it’s not strange to imagine that men are participating in baby showers in unprecedented numbers.

The decision to have men at the baby shower – and these would be friends of the father – is a decision that, naturally, would be made by both would-be parents. It’s nothing that the baby shower producer (you!) should assume; because there may be pros and cons about the wisdom of this co-ed option.

If you decide to invite men, then ensure that this is reflected on the invitation. Also, keep in mind that many men consider Sunday to be a holy day in more than just religious terms. During football season (October through to January), Sunday is a very important day for many men; and showing up to a shower might be the last thing that they want to do.

So just bear this in mind, and if you have to do things on a Sunday, make sure that it isn’t Super Bowl Sunday! And there’s a period in March affectionately called March Madness; it’s a very special time for many men (and women!).

If you’re not sure of when these special moments are, consult with your local sports nut. They’ll be able to tell you when high and low season are!

Also keep in mind that some of the feminine elements of a traditional baby shower – such as, perhaps, the Tea Party theme – should probably go out the window if you’re doing things co-ed. Find something entertaining and, if at all possible, gender neutral.

Remember too that, just due to cultural upbringing, many men aren’t into the dainty side of life. So while they’ll gladly attend to support their friend (the father-to-be), don’t expect them to get all teary eyed as they discuss why Little Women was the most important book in their life.

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